MAYDAY concert was GREAT!(:
and now i'm in <3 with mayday, esp ashin!(:
now i wished the concert wasnt so soon, and not over.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
laugh out loud ;
my colleagues are teaching me random malay phrases! which i doubt i can rem later. lol. but its funny la.
the phrases they teach me are used for them to use me to scold someone else. lol.
the phrases they teach me are used for them to use me to scold someone else. lol.
pre mayday syndrome ;
2 more days!(:
my colleague made muffins!(: good yummilicious muffins. and she left them on my table. lol. and theres pineapple tarts too.
have i mentioned that i will so gain weight working here? lol.
i should start that exercising plan i've been putting back. and learn a new sport. or start dance classes.(:
+ class95 is good.(:
have been listening to nothing else besides class95 and MAYDAY!
hee hee.
2 more hrs to lunch.(:
2 more days!(:
my colleague made muffins!(: good yummilicious muffins. and she left them on my table. lol. and theres pineapple tarts too.
have i mentioned that i will so gain weight working here? lol.
i should start that exercising plan i've been putting back. and learn a new sport. or start dance classes.(:
+ class95 is good.(:
have been listening to nothing else besides class95 and MAYDAY!
hee hee.
2 more hrs to lunch.(:
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
note to self ;
i should really stop singing out loud in the office. colleagues have been teasing me non stop.
they're a funny bunch.(: made my day!
i should make it a point.
more work for me now. not a bad thing. not that good either. but i get to do what i like. i guess thats a plus point.
they're a funny bunch.(: made my day!
i should make it a point.
more work for me now. not a bad thing. not that good either. but i get to do what i like. i guess thats a plus point.
Monday, April 21, 2008
the weekend ;
met up with the smelly after work at woodlands. we went for pizza hut.(: and look see look see helmets. we went hunting for light sticks at beach road. but no luck.):
down to indoor. concert wasnt that fab. alright i suppose. was stuck at north terrace. tanseokhui went to watch the concert! haha. she got forced to go! with 2 guys she didnt know. lol! she came to look for me. as she didnt know any songs, or the person performing! LOL.
supper after.(: with a bunch of girls plus khengsheng. and we've decided that we will go TW next year. in march.(: whee!
+ note to self : must start saving money! no impulsive buys!
family dinner at No Signboard @ Geyland on sunday. not that excited. not a big fan of seafood. so i brought smelly along, so he could eat my share! hee hee. and so we're stuck sitting at the kid's table. me smelly jocelyn. all stuck sitting on the kid's table. i doubt we'll ever move. sighs.
smelly had a wasp nest on his bike! so after dinner, we decided to remove it. he insisted that i helped. i went " you sure you want me to help? " and i gave a face of fear! lol. so we brought our tools (torchlight, screw drivers, long blade) down to the car park. it was late by the time we got back from dinner, so it must have been funny for us to be meddling with the bike with a torchlight. lol.
+ the wasp nest was BIG! super super big! and was attached to the wiring of his bike!
people kept staring at us. lol. jeremy came down with more tools (allenkey), because we wanted to remove some bike parts so that it was easier to get to the nest. but apparently, removing the bike part was far more difficult. so we gave up.
jeremy just went ahead and used a screw driver to poke at the nest. and brown stuff started to drop.
+ this whole time i was standing quite far from the bike.
after a while, the whole nest dropped.
after making sure that there wasnt anything going to fly out, i moved myself closer.
so we set to cleaning the area. it was tough! i went to mess with the empty nest on the floor. used the screw driver to poke open the nest, and i saw black stuff in the nest! and smelly says theres something in there. and i ran away immediately! lol.
down to indoor. concert wasnt that fab. alright i suppose. was stuck at north terrace. tanseokhui went to watch the concert! haha. she got forced to go! with 2 guys she didnt know. lol! she came to look for me. as she didnt know any songs, or the person performing! LOL.
supper after.(: with a bunch of girls plus khengsheng. and we've decided that we will go TW next year. in march.(: whee!
+ note to self : must start saving money! no impulsive buys!
family dinner at No Signboard @ Geyland on sunday. not that excited. not a big fan of seafood. so i brought smelly along, so he could eat my share! hee hee. and so we're stuck sitting at the kid's table. me smelly jocelyn. all stuck sitting on the kid's table. i doubt we'll ever move. sighs.
smelly had a wasp nest on his bike! so after dinner, we decided to remove it. he insisted that i helped. i went " you sure you want me to help? " and i gave a face of fear! lol. so we brought our tools (torchlight, screw drivers, long blade) down to the car park. it was late by the time we got back from dinner, so it must have been funny for us to be meddling with the bike with a torchlight. lol.
+ the wasp nest was BIG! super super big! and was attached to the wiring of his bike!
people kept staring at us. lol. jeremy came down with more tools (allenkey), because we wanted to remove some bike parts so that it was easier to get to the nest. but apparently, removing the bike part was far more difficult. so we gave up.
jeremy just went ahead and used a screw driver to poke at the nest. and brown stuff started to drop.
+ this whole time i was standing quite far from the bike.
after a while, the whole nest dropped.
after making sure that there wasnt anything going to fly out, i moved myself closer.
so we set to cleaning the area. it was tough! i went to mess with the empty nest on the floor. used the screw driver to poke open the nest, and i saw black stuff in the nest! and smelly says theres something in there. and i ran away immediately! lol.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
ha ha ha ;
so now i'm known either as Mandai Idol/Star or FHM cover girl in the office.
i couldnt stop laughin when they said i was the FHM cover girl. and i LOL-ed!
class95 weekend is good.(: they're playing songs from the 90s.(:
i couldnt stop laughin when they said i was the FHM cover girl. and i LOL-ed!
class95 weekend is good.(: they're playing songs from the 90s.(:
mandai idol,
patsy approved,
Friday, April 18, 2008
what nonsense ;
my colleague once saw a fhm cover girl whom resembles me. and now he's telling the whole office that i'm a fhm cover girl!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
new hair cut ;
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
photoshop ;
oh how i miss using photoshop!
photoshop is ♥.(:
been in the office the whole day photoshop-ing.(:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
hee hee.
photoshop is ♥.(:
been in the office the whole day photoshop-ing.(:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
hee hee.
lesbian kiss ;
what?! fine because of a kiss?
do you believe that singapore is still that conservative? sighs.
"SINGAPORE: Cable television operator Starhub Cable Vision (SCV) has been fined S$10,000 for airing a commercial of a Mandarin pop music video which showed two women kissing.
The commercial, which was to promote a song by pop singer Olivia Yan, was aired on MTV Mandarin Channel on 26 and 28 November 2007.
The Media Development Authority (MDA) said in a statement on its website that "romanticised scenes of two girls kissing were shown and it portrayed the relationship as acceptable".
The statement added that the scenes breached TV advertising guidelines, which disallow advertisements that condone homosexuality.
The MDA has also consulted the Advisory Committee for Chinese Programmes, and the committee agreed that the commercial had promoted lesbianism as acceptable and romantic, especially when shown together with the lyrics featured. - CNA/vm "
do you believe that singapore is still that conservative? sighs.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
she turns 27 ;
its my sister's birthday today! so here goes,
she turns 27 this year! and yet she still doesnt act like one.
today my colleague cooked nasi brayani.(: or rather her sister cooked, and brought it down.(: and had yummilicious strawberry cheesecake!(: it was very good! am having the cheesecake for tea break now.(: patsy is a happy girl.(:
+ tummy abit rah.
recently i've been meeting up with TANSEOKHUI too often la.
i like how people are crying while reading "P.S I Love You" i loaned them! hee hee. seok just told me she's been crying for 3days! hahahahahaha.(:
+ oh! sweet sweet cheesecake!
might be meeting pam for dinner later. seeing that its her birthday. probably i will be a nice sister and treat her. we'll see.
the yummy cheesecake!(:

she turns 27 this year! and yet she still doesnt act like one.
today my colleague cooked nasi brayani.(: or rather her sister cooked, and brought it down.(: and had yummilicious strawberry cheesecake!(: it was very good! am having the cheesecake for tea break now.(: patsy is a happy girl.(:
+ tummy abit rah.
recently i've been meeting up with TANSEOKHUI too often la.
i like how people are crying while reading "P.S I Love You" i loaned them! hee hee. seok just told me she's been crying for 3days! hahahahahaha.(:
+ oh! sweet sweet cheesecake!
might be meeting pam for dinner later. seeing that its her birthday. probably i will be a nice sister and treat her. we'll see.
the yummy cheesecake!(:
Thursday, April 03, 2008
puff puff ;
"SINGAPORE: A recent survey by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) has shown that nearly one in five youths in Singapore agree smoking is not harmful.
71 per cent of those surveyed also feel they can stop smoking anytime they want.
Ms V. Prema, Deputy Director of the Youth Health Division of the HPB, said the misconceptions regarding smoking and its effects are worrying.
"Quite of lot (of youths) think that they can quit anytime, but that's not such an easy feat because nicotine is quite an addictive drug," said Ms Prema.
"We recommend that you don’t even start in the first place, otherwise, once you get into the habit, it's not impossible to quit, but it's very, very difficult."
The survey also indicated while just nine per cent of young people aged 13 to 16 smoked, another common misconception is that lighting up is a cool act that "a lot of young people are doing".
Analyses from the survey data showed that social network plays an important part in advocating youths to pick up their first cigarette.
59 per cent of youth smokers polled have at least one parent who smokes, while only 34 per cent of non-smokers have smoking parents. 95 per cent of youth smokers have close friends who smoke, while only 34 per cent of non-smokers could say the same.
Apart from 'scare tactics' such as placing images of long-term effects of smoking on cigarette boxes, the HPB has also adopted other measures in an effort to discourage youths from taking their first puff.
The HPB has actively promoted anti-smoking messages through the media, anti-smoking activities and curriculum in schools, and set up fairs and competitions.
Going forward, the board said it will tie up with the YEH (Youth Evolution for Health) programme, where youth advocates will help talk to other youths about the risks involved in smoking.
Ms Prema hopes that parents can play a part in discouraging their children from lighting up, or help them kick the habit if they have already picked it up.
"I think if parents themselves can be good role models and stay smoke free, that would be (great)," she said.
"I think it's also important for parents to talk to their children about smoking... talk to your kids about the harmful effects, tell them how to say no, maybe even role play with them. That would help them face that kind of (peer) pressure when the time comes."
- CNA/yb "
extracted from ChannelNewsAsia
reading this, and i went haha, yeah. i've heard people say "yeah, i can quit smoking anytime de." lol. and how many of us knew people who started smoking at the young age of 14? i know i do.
+ just had a big serving of noodles.(:
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
on a very cold day ;
raining yet again.):
i'm enjoying a hot cuppa milo with marie biscuits!(:
much love.
i'm enjoying a hot cuppa milo with marie biscuits!(:
much love.
oh no ;
my mp3 player is dying on me!):
it went crazy just now. and started to pause and turn off on its own!
its a sign that i should get a new one already.
it went crazy just now. and started to pause and turn off on its own!
its a sign that i should get a new one already.
they had to tell me ;
was having lunch with my colleagues just upstairs the office. and they had to start to talk about ghostly sightings in the store!
apparently, the 2nd level of the store, the female toilet and stuff quite "dirty" de.):
i heard from them that the wood wardrobe in the female toilet quite freaky de. and shouldnt look into the mirror! and i went "AH!" the minute i heard this!): seeing + knowing how vain i am and how i am with mirrors. i definitely have used the mirrors and taken random photos before! and have even tried to open the wardrobe! being curious and stuff!
during the whole conversation, i kept telling them not to tell me! and they just went on and on.
they just had to.):
apparently, the 2nd level of the store, the female toilet and stuff quite "dirty" de.):
i heard from them that the wood wardrobe in the female toilet quite freaky de. and shouldnt look into the mirror! and i went "AH!" the minute i heard this!): seeing + knowing how vain i am and how i am with mirrors. i definitely have used the mirrors and taken random photos before! and have even tried to open the wardrobe! being curious and stuff!
during the whole conversation, i kept telling them not to tell me! and they just went on and on.
they just had to.):
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