Monday, March 29, 2004


only now do i realise tt YOU've been backstabbing me all this while.

some cousin YOU are.

please lor.

cant YOU see tt i'm oso busy with my host stand?

so STOP being such a bastard!

oh sorry.

YOU're not even fit to be one.

wana noe why?

YOU're not even a guy.

YOU DUN fit to be a guy!

YOU're a big time sissy!

by now YOU should noe tt when its busy at tr is like tt one.

n I cant help YOU take tt freaking order bcos i have other tables to send lor!

so please STOP thinking abt YOURSELF only!

if YOU're not happy abt anything.

YOU can always come and confront me.

YOU dun have to go n complain to everyone at work lor!

please lor.

do YOU know how many pple at tr dun like YOU?

no right?

i can tell YOU now tt YOU're not well-liked lorz!

n i duno what she sees in YOU?

i may act cute or whatever YOU said lorz.

but its ME!

i'm such a person.

so if YOU're not happy jusy say it!

dun go ard telling other pple!

n ya.

i agree i'm a slacker.

so what?

YOU're equally lazy!

YOU dun pick up food!

dun clear/clean tables tt are not in YOUR station.

so does tt make YOU a slacker too?
