Friday, July 02, 2004

just got snapped at by pris for absolutly nothing!wtf.its like no my fault tt u got scolded by her.please lor.i'm not your chu qi tong dun go ard scolding me for nothing.wth!

was in such a gd mood.den she had to spoil it!argh!

had flag boonlay.was late.again.lolx.but wasnt as late as huirong.went for breakfast first.before we began to collect e donations.slacked at jp mac till 11plus.den went to walk ard jp with huirong*her fren*eileen*sherrie.start only at 12!lolx.went e pasamalam there to ask for donations.did it for like half an hour den we slacked again.lolx.huirong=professional slacker.patsy=self-appointed slacker.

jackson came down to meet us.slacked ard with us.hmm.ate abit at e pasamalam.after tt headed back to sch.counted e amt i got.guess how much i got.i got a total of.*drum roll*.$9.41!lolx.alot hor.huirong got like $14plus.this proved how much we slacked.hmm.

waited in sch for e rest to finish.went to clementi.cos they wanted to play pool.n since it was e there.had to wait for we waited at e macs.had ice cream.didnt know how to i just sat there with mira*kimiko*yida*huirong while anson*denise played.after awhile umar joined us.yida*huirong*anson teached me*mira*umar to play.tried n tried but i couldnt hit e stupid ball.sigh.lousy player.we were playin in paired up with anson.sigh.guess he's unlucky huh?to get paired up with of e seinors jiahui joined us.

went for dinner after tt.had noodles.n ice milo.hmm.came back home at ard 8.walked home alone.bathed.slacked ard for awhile.sort of got angry at him for some time.fell aslp.felt much better when i woke up.woke up n found him sitting downstairs.was shocked.hmm.sorted things out.was on e phone with him till abt 12.sat by e window n talked.guess i'm still a petty lil monster angry over such a small thing.argh.have to change tt lil side of me le.talked to him till he go home.which was like 2 plus.went to slp after tt.was really shagged.

went out today.was supposed to go watch movie with him.but was too decided to slack at his place instead.went over in e morning.woke him at like 9.13am!heex.disturbed him till he got up.blueh.hmm.he went back to slp after accompanying me for awhile.i had no choice but stare at e com screen until he woke up again.

woke him up at 1plus.asked if he wanted to go watch e movie nots.he said anything.up to me lorx.den i said i'm fine with anything lorx.hmm.den we decided to just stay home lorx.since both of us were so lazy!heex.2 lil lazy pigs.lolx.

now there were 2 people staring at e com screen.he was like saying me abt this n abt tt.sigh.hmm.abt my friendster n stuff la.hmm.was super we like ordered like 5plus.n it came only at 630pm.ate.den he went to bathed.n we left his place at ard 7plus.took a bus to clementi mrt there.took e train home alone.cos he had to rush down to jurong east.he was meeting his frens there.n he was running late!he was supposed to meet them there at 7pm for dinner!lolx.but.....

came home.bathed.rot on my snapped at.msged mira.n i!heex.

guess tt's abt e summary abt wat happened ba.

gotta wake up early tmr.goin to collect my passport tmr.hmm.chij celebrating its 150th yr i think.tmr at chijmes.duno if i can make it lehx.cos guitar got performance tmr.n i've not seen all my dear juniors for like ages le.hmm.might just drop by for awhile lor.if i can ba.hmm.

my shoulders are aching!i need a massage!hmm.