had kbox session with da 3 8 fu nu hui.plus kamini clement and babe.was alright la.was playing daidee.like whatever lorx.we're like always playing tt.anywhere.anytime.lolx.(:
after tt met ding guo shuan at west mall.had dinner.my height was like the joke of the moment.sighs.decided to catch a movie."the eye 10".
so wat can i say abt tt movie.firstly.its not a horror flim.its more like a comedy.hmm.lots laughing sences.secondly.i didnt realy enjoyed it.cos e row behind us was JUST TOO NOISY!argh.stupid guys!den then.some of e sences were kinda L A M E.like grannys and grandads were laughing and clapping at people break dancing in the middle of e housing corridor.like er?sighs.outta 5.i'll give 1.or mayb less than tt.sighs.its SO NOT WORTH $6.50.not to mention $8.50.argh!
spent way too much this weekend.sighs.have got to save up le.cos gotta spend antoher $40.shucks!have to get tt A1 file.): damn tt jian liang liang.first he said we could make our own.now he wans us to get one.cos he says he wans to standardise.argh!make us spend another $40!): am so broke again next month.sighs.