Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the past

was just sitting here doing my work. but got a lil sianx of it. so decided to surf ard. happened to bump into someone's blog. and that blog made me think. think abt the past. hmm. i can say that i'm a lil shocked. but it aint that bad i suppose.(:

currently playing - qian tian by jay chou.

i think i have this love for those love ballads. esp those with a really sad story behind. hmm. *shrugs. guess thats wat catches attention. hmm.

the class has sort of changed in a way or other. it just feels weird. is it just me? or is anyone else feeling the same way? hmm. mayb its because of this project. that everyone is sort of choing-ing to do. just to try to finish up. n aim of the best grades we can get. that everyone is just ignoring each other just doing the project. *shrugs. i canot comment much. cos i myself am gulity of the above. i've been so obsessed with trying to chiong finish this project that i've neglected a lot of things. like i've mentioned before. all of us are turning into no life muggers. minue the studying.

we have just another 1 1/2 weeks more till submission. i wonder if i'm ever going to finish. i've done my/or sort of finished my plans, sections, kitchen plan, section, elevations n details. mayb i should do more. just so that they canot say that i'm not working hard enough. i still have my half-done model to do, my presentation panel to do, my 3d renders to do n the TOD review to write. haix.): the list is soooooo long! haix.):

just did my LC work. printed out a copy to check with the class if its correct. hmm. still have the ppt to do. *lowers head. sick of working. i wana relax. but guess thats the price one has to pay for not having exams for the whole diploma course. i miss yr 1. i even miss my sec sch life.

reminiscing so much lately. i duno.

have to get back to work le. ciaos.