was bored. and browsing thru some pics. i kinda like this. so just got my lazy ass down to do a new layout. its kinda simple though. but i pretty much like it.(:
anyway did the cartoonival at indoor today. i got stepped on the hand by this kid wanting to climb onto the gate. got snapped at by this lady. sighs. the show was pretty boring. just 90mins. what do you expect? but that blue blobby thing is cute. lolx. and now i kinda like mojo jojo all over again.(X
been pretty slack. sch work wise. sighs. i dont know how i am going to finish all the things on time! RAH! i shall make myself wake early and go to a quiet place to work. hmm. i shall go to tea garden mcdonalds! anyone interested?
i got my pay today. somewhat half of it. but too bad that pay has to pay for the jj tix i bought. pouts. anyone has any job offers? so that i can work my ass off. and try to save for that not-so-confirmed bangkok trip. or i'll have to borrow from mr. eugene tan again.): sighs.
its sad feeling old and broke.):
think abt this ;
do all guys fantasize abt nurses?
this grp of nurses walked by me. and it occurred to me. so anyone care to share?