Monday, June 23, 2008

time flies ;

its been 3months already. fast aint it?

have probably fallen in love with my colleagues.(: those who always feed me, always say that i'm short, always say that i'm noisy. always disturb me, always tease me, always take care of me.(: they are good people.

+ i'm hungry hungry. stomach is growling. shall eat muffins.

work here has been fun.(: hopefully it stays this way.

recently mr.sim says i'm becoming more and more independent. i think its because of the job. shrugs. he says its a good thing. i think so too.(:

was reading some older post. didnt realised i was actually that logical. lol.

everything i was once close to. has taken a plane flight and left this place.

+ keyboard is weird. not used to it. keep typing wrong.

my colleague just called me chibi camel! LOL. cos i'm always hungry. and yet i'm still so small size. LOL. he says that i store my food like a camel. was a camel in my past life. etc etc. lol.

1 more hr till lunch! rah! i'm hungry.