Tuesday, November 09, 2004

friendster bulletin.

To everyone, regardless of which position you
stand in love.... Love is sumthing that has to be
cherished and requires commitment between
both people. Some often can keep true love and
live happily while others can't. When they let go
love, they have to be strong and when they are
stronger, they will find their true happiniess one
day. Love makes life very interesting, it's can be
something you look forward for but sometimes it
is like a knife in the heart. But the REAL meaning
of love cannot be described because every single
one of us has different defination of it. Imagine if
you ask your friends, they cannot describe or say
it with words. You maybe confused by love, but it
is a normal reaction. You DO get lost inside love
but love is something that grows, it is alive and
people has to learn to appreciate it each day. It
takes time to grow a beautiful flower. It is the
same for love. It does not come easily but can
leave easily... in other words, the flower can die if
you do not take care of it. Probably you have not
find the right love yet. It is better to take your
exploring love but remember not to rush it. Bad
things do happen on the way and love is NOT to
be blame. Sometimes it is because either side
(guy/girl) cannot accept the type of love, which is
why the meaning of love is different in everyone's
mind and heart. Now your heart has been hurt and
this is something very difficult to get through. This
is when your friends and family supports you. But
they can only support, YOU have to help yourself,
re-build what you have lost and eventually, before
you even know, you are ready to take love in
again. NEVER ever blame love for the injuries that
you have.When your heart is healed, there will be
a scar. The scar that will be in your heart - with the
memories that you've had, with the experience
that you have from the past love will help you get
through life more meaningful. It is never wrong to
listen to your heart. But many people do not
understand the meaning of 'listen to your heart'.
Many of them will even be more confused, and
they will just say 'i dunno...'. In today's world,
materialism has poison the minds of human, but
to which extend will that is, lies in each individual.
The mystery of love can never be revealed. No
scientists can actually do such detailed research
about it. As far as concern, there is no right or
wrong in love. So subjective it can be, what more
to learn and discover it? Back to love, it is
something that comes from the heart. Learn to
support and appreciate it is NOT as simple as
ABC. Everyone has love, but it is a different level
of love. The wonders of love just makes you a
more intereting and better person. So cultivate the
love, learn and never give up growing it. Heart
brokens are just a level that will carry you up even
though you cannot see it. So be STRONG if you
are broken in love and it will bring you somewhere
in life.

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