Monday, November 15, 2004

i'm bored!

> 1. name: p a t s y. (:

> 2. gender: fe m a le

> 3. birthday: 1006! *winks

> 4. horoscope: g e m i n i. twins.

> 5. Primary school: chij kellock. (:

> 6. Secondary school: chij st theresa's convent.
(: ij girls are FUN!

> 7. Tertiary School: singapore poly.

> 8. level: f r e s h i e.

> 9. email add: moc.liamtoh@skwarnevele

> 10. shoe size: 3 - 4 ba.

> 11. height: one h u n d r e d and fifty t h r e
e cm.

> 12. Right or left handed?: r i g h t y.

> 13. Last 5 digits of your No: 80749

> 14. Age: 7 t e e n. (:

= > = > > f a s h i o n | s t u f f

> 1. where is ur favorite place to shop?:
hmm.anywhere ba.

> 2. have any tattoos or piercings? yup.

> 3. what is your fav clothes to wear?: something
simple. just jeans with a top ba.

> 4. what are your favorite shoes?: my converse
shoes! (:

> 5. have certain jewellery that you wear:
earring. necklace.

> 6. worst thing you've ever thought?: to commit

> 7. what are you wearing right now?: stuff worn
during stc days. stc guitar tee n fbt shorts.

> 8. how many pairs of shoes do you own? 2 ba.

==================================== >
~ Have you...~

> 1.Tried smoking: NEVER!

> 2.Taken drugs?: m e d i c i n e!

> 3. bungee jumped: haven yet.

> 4. made yourself throw up?:'s dumb!

> 5. made yourself cry to get outta trouble?: not
tt i can rem.

> 6. fallen for your best friend?: hmm.nope.

=================================== >
Specifies ..

> 1. type of shampoo: dove.

> 2. what are you listening to right now?: e fan

> 3. the last person that called you?: h i m.

> 4. how many buddies u have right now?: i do not

> 5. what is essential in your life: love. trust.
friends. family. cash. studies.

=================================== >
~Right now~

> 1. hairstyle: messy.

> 2. listening: my dajie.

> 3. make up: dont have.

> 4.thinking of: s o m e o n e. *winks

================================== >
~Do you believe in...~

> 1. Love: (:

> 2. Faith: ya.

> 3. Yourself: y e s.

> 4. Ghosts: sometimes.

> 5.Angels: definately. cos i've met some. (:

================================== >

> 1.sent you this survery?: was on e bulletim board.

> u think will reply?: *shrugs.someone as
bored as i am.

> in ur mind rite now?: h i m. ur fav teacher? eh. mrs fung.(: my maths
teacher! couldnt have done it without her.n my
tuition teacher. (:

> ur idol?: no one in mind now.

=================================== >
~Last 24 hours~

> 1. Worn jeans? *shakes head.

> 2. Cleaned your room? nope.

> 3. Cried? nope.

> 4. go out? nope.

==================================== >
~choose one .. ~

> 1. Blue or Yellow? YELLOW!

> 2. Kiss or hug? : k i s s.(:

> 3. Summer or winter?:eh.would really like to
experience winter.

> 4. Sunny or rainy?: SUNNY! can suntan. (:

> 5. Chocolate or vanilla?: c h o c o l a t e.

> 6. Hanging out or chillin out?: both ba.

> 7. music or tv? m u s i c

> 8. Hamburger or Pizza? both.*yum.i'm hungry!

> 9. Smile or Laughing? both. (:

> 10. Sleeping or eating?:'s difficult to
choose since both are my fav hobbies.lolx.

>11. Mc Donald's or KFC?: macs. dun really like kfc.

> 12.Silver or gold?: neither. would prefer white
gold! (: