1. work
has been normal. i guess. sherrie and i keep dozing off at work. can you imagine both of us falling asleep at this warehouse. lying on cardboards/boxes and falling asleep. we look like foreign workers. haha.
this is what we're suppose to do. stick that healthier choice sticker onto the tin. looks easy eh? imagine doing like 40000!
i was bored. so i started taking pics! wahaha.
2. social life
haven been going out recently. been working 8-5 every single day. but sherrie n i did manage to go JURONG POINT yest! cos we had this craving for mos burger.(: so we shopped ard. there wasnt much to look at anyway.
and so i started taking pics again. sherrie was in the changing room. trying on this puremilk top. which she didnt get in the end. cos they didnt have the colour that she wanted. i like carrying her bag. after dinner we went to order her JAY CHOU cd. and was given a poster. i was playing with the poster as though it was a LIGHT SABER! wahaha. sherrie got so worried that i would hurt people and that i would spoil her all so precious poster. we went bra shopping! wahaha. didnt buy any. cos it was such a chore.
3. school
and so we had to register for our gems today. i think SAS has such a lousy system. whereby when everyone logs on to reg it lags. which in turns causes everyone to lag too. and causes people to not be able to get the class they want. everyone was having trouble registering. helped namngee to reg cos he couldnt log into SAS. sherrie couldnt get what she wanted. cos her comp hung halfway thru the thing. its a gd thing to have someone else in the same gems. or i'll just die! anyway i hope sherrie would be able to get the same gems. or it wont be any fun anymore!
4. babe's problem
there's still no news from DBS or what-so-ever.
5. my sims 2
finally i'm able to install the game. but i cant play it. and i have no idea why?! can anyone tell me? i've tried. and there will always be this pop up which says "please insert the correct cd. and restart the applicant" like wth! i've tried with all the CDs. no luck! pttffff. (everyone is into this pttffff craze. lolx.)
6. music
i've like finally finished ripping all the songs off my OLD
i should get to bed soon. or i'll be a foreign worker again tmr! ciaos. gd nights!(: