i'm still waiting for someone to say to me. "hey. lets go watch TAOZE!" i have no idea why i have this sudden interest in tt (as i call him) ugly guy. but i just love his songs. n it would be great to listen to them live.
hmm. i hurt my finger today. *pout.
but i got to meet babe today! yeah!(: its been a long time since we actually sat down. have a nice dinner. n chit chat. n do funny stuff.(: much love for nonsense. anyway. babe n myself have decided to just get 1 present for all the 4 occasions we would be celebrating next yr. anniversary. st valentines. birthday. n christmas. yup. so it would save us the trouble to think abt what to get each other. hmm. n we would be (hopefully) opening an joint acc next yr too. just for saving up.(: hopefully eveything works out.

rem this?
i should start taking pics again. its been so long. since i've last taken a pic of myself. or anything in tt matter.