Thursday, February 23, 2006

ministry of sound.

so we finally went clubbing.

the honey came and pick me up at ard 830pm in a taxi. and we headed to pick lijin up. clarke quay we went. met up with junda and yanhan. junda i must say dressed up for the occasion. he looked not bad.(: but was wearing a too-gay necklace. lolx.(:

i think we entered way too early. nearly stonned and died there.

it was fun just messing ard with the guys. yanhan was doing this really cute hand movement.(:

the honey got way too high. so did jiaqi. as jiaqi was in a skirt. she zhao-gen den this stupid fella saw. and he called his fren over. n both of them stood there to watch. cheap thrill seekers! rah them!

didnt get much pics. but i liked the interiors. there was this super retro room! it had colourful dance floor. the walls had swirls and circles. and there was the egg shaped chair! which yanhan tried to sit. n nearly fall.

overall the experience was not bad.(: