i am still awake! have to slp! have to slp! must remind myself that i am working this week. and have to get up early.
went for supper with edwin and gang. cos i was super hungry! and we stayed there till about 330am! long supper huh. shrugs.
super cold day! shivers!
everything after this line is just about some things i feel to talk about.(: so no names will be mentioned. besides mr.sim's! hee hee.
every relationship has their share of bumpy roads. or fairytales. i think i'm glad mr.sim and i are quite alike.(: somehow. and he appreciates the nonsense things i do. hee hee.(: and i'm not as a control-freak anymore.(: or i hope i'm not. hmm. am surprise that i can take whatever nonsense criticism he says about me. and i'll just laugh it off. like when he says i'm fat. and shouldnt eat anymore. i just laugh and continue to make noise saying that i'm hungry. and make him buy food for me. hee hee. and i'll just eat. regardless of what he says.(:
seeing how other peoples' gf is treating them. i feel bad. they will ask why are girls like that? and i'll just say. girls are like that. its in their nature. they cannot help it. cos i'm like that too. hopefully not as bad la. (at this point of time i should question mr.sim.) listening to their stories. i feel probably shouldnt do that. or try not to. hopefully. sounds kinda bad. like how girls go about holding another guy's hand while out together with bf and friends. or how girls go about snooping into the bf's hp/stuff and question them. and refuse to let them do the same to their stuff. although i think i have done it before. but that was like 2-3 yrs ago! now i dont go through mr.sim's sms/phone/email. i dont! i ask his permission before seeing his phone k!
somehow i think its wise to treat your partner how you want him/her to treat you. for example. if you dont want your partner to snoop into your things. then dont snoop into theirs. its that simple.
+ oh its raining! no wonder its so cold!
i guess you seriously need 2 hands to clap. nothing can be done alone. not in a relationship. both parties have to put in the effort.
have i grown wiser? i hope so. or at least i hope i'm not that naive silly fairytale wishing girl anymore. one whom expects everything to be done her way. and do nothing about anything.
+ i should really dry my hair and slp!
thinking back. i was seriously naive. seriously.
+ from now on i shall make it a point to label my posts.(: