the second stage of the DRESS project has been launched. and i've done some plans. n talked to the lecturers. figured something out. its like i can work in sch. but when i'm at home i canot work at all!): i keep getting distracted by the television. the laptop. haix.): and again today i wanted to come home to nap. but failed. ended up with the television. and the lappy.
anyway we were like talking about the darling's sister. cos her sis has a indian malaysian bf whom she has been with for abt 1yr plus le. and yest she told their mum. n mum totally disagrees. and said that if she were to continue to relationship. she would disown her. haix. i mean disowning is such a serious matter. should a relationship end up with such a decision. i said that if i were to be given such a choice. i would pick the bf. and not the mother. i feel that a relationship is between 2 people. and shouldnt involve others. regardless of whether they are family or not. some might disagree. the guys said that my ans is childish. and they said something like next time after i made that decision. and when something happens between me n the bf. i would go begging back to my parents. which i would disagree. i would wan to be indenpendent. i wana be able to support myself. i may seem selfish and stuff. *shrugs. you dont rule my life. i do! so why bother?!
ok. i sound pissed. cos i am. am seriously upset by the fact that people regard my comments as childish. and saying that i'm dependent. argh! anyway i guess most girls. would pick the bf. kamini i know would. right my dear?
seriously upset.):
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Clouds - Obscure
You are a dreamer
and can be rather distant at times... You are
compatible with most elements... You dont start
arguments, but try and keep everything calm and
peaceful or are also a great
Animagi form:
Most compatible with:
Least compatible with:
Song: Imaginary -
Ruling God:
Are you an Obscure or Dominant Element?? {Great pics}
brought to you by Quizilla
You are full of sunshine, lollipops and dasies!!
You sicken me!!! What the fuck is wrong with
you!? The sun doesnt shine out of people's
arses yuou know!! Also... how in fucks name did
you get sunshine inside of you... or a lollipop
for that matter, i.... eeeeeeeeeeew.... you
really are sick!!! My god!! See a doctor!!!
Also, try to be more depressed... theres more
to life than happiness... pain and suffering
are also big parts... I can help you there...
What are you on the inside?? {pics}
brought to you by Quizilla
You are rather passive when it comes to guys, you
like having a boyfriend for the obvious perks,
but you dont get hung up on them if it all goes
to pot. You are independent and dont let guys
rule your life...
How do you love?{people who like guys}
brought to you by Quizilla
White Magic
You are pure and
innocent, and your magic reflects that... you
use it only for good and to help mankind... You
are very good natured and a rather
happy-go-lucky person...
Instruments: Potions &
Special Powers: Can make
anyone happy just by staring at
Animal Form:
What kind of magic do you posess? For girls...{pretty anime pics}
brought to you by Quizilla
You are still a child at
heart and have a very pure soul... You are
uncorrupted by the evils of the
What kind of auror surrounds you? {great anime pics}
brought to you by Quizilla
i find that i'm anti-social.
although i'm rather friendly. i find that i turn anti-social when it comes to those celebrations. esp celebrations i dont even celebrate. for example new years day. i dont see a need to go out to celebrate and do that count down thing. ok. it might be fun. and might mean something to others. but it just doesnt to me. because its just another new year. it happens all the time. people might disagree with me. or the celebration is just an excuse to gather with people you dont usually meet up with during the year. or an excuse to meet up with frens to chit chat and stuff. *shrugs. i'm just not one of those.
however. i do like to celebrate christmas. how contradicting can i get eh? lolx. the getting presents was part of why i liked christmas so much. when i was younger la. but being brought up in a catholic environment. i soon began to like christmas not for the presents. but for something else. i liked christmas is sch. because there would always be a christmas celebration on the last day of sch. and it was always fun to be in the christmas spirit. and singing carols even though we didnt know the lyrics very well.(: it was always the yearly gathering of the family at my auntie's place that i liked. although christmas like new year happens yearly, and is just another excuse for a gathering, the spirit of christmas is very different from new year. i dont know. mayb you guys can tell me. whats the difference? or is there a difference at all?
however. i do like to celebrate christmas. how contradicting can i get eh? lolx. the getting presents was part of why i liked christmas so much. when i was younger la. but being brought up in a catholic environment. i soon began to like christmas not for the presents. but for something else. i liked christmas is sch. because there would always be a christmas celebration on the last day of sch. and it was always fun to be in the christmas spirit. and singing carols even though we didnt know the lyrics very well.(: it was always the yearly gathering of the family at my auntie's place that i liked. although christmas like new year happens yearly, and is just another excuse for a gathering, the spirit of christmas is very different from new year. i dont know. mayb you guys can tell me. whats the difference? or is there a difference at all?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
the missing.
i miss the sweet nothings i used to get. some time ago. and days in sec sch. i miss the pampering. and i miss my fantasy.
i've committed a sin today.
i met siaomei today!(: cos i was supposed to go to siaoying's house warming. but had to back out suddenly. cos i had to work! sorry ah siaoying. we went shopping for a gift for her home. and we were at SPOTLIGHT. n i saw the christmas hat thingy. so i butt itchy. take n play. took pics.

so i worked for david tao's concert today. i must say it aint bad. i think the ugly duckling is turning into a swan le. he's smile is so captivating.(: esp when he forgot his lyrics. lolx. he's cute when he smiles.(:
i miss going for concerts. i so wanted to be one of those screaming-their-heads-off-waving-their-light-sticks-like-crazy-dancing-till-their-butts-fall-off girls. i miss being one of those crazy girls. too bad i had to be working. and NO ONE wanted to accompany me to the concert.
editted ; 305am
so i worked for david tao's concert today. i must say it aint bad. i think the ugly duckling is turning into a swan le. he's smile is so captivating.(: esp when he forgot his lyrics. lolx. he's cute when he smiles.(:
i miss going for concerts. i so wanted to be one of those screaming-their-heads-off-waving-their-light-sticks-like-crazy-dancing-till-their-butts-fall-off girls. i miss being one of those crazy girls. too bad i had to be working. and NO ONE wanted to accompany me to the concert.
editted ; 305am
Friday, November 25, 2005
ok. the babe sent me a few clips. i just watched abit here and there. the clips are showing this guy who has been taking upskirt videos without the girl knowing. after watching that. i can now finally conculde that GUYS ARE THE ULTIMATE PERVERTS! GROSS lorx. to think that people are interested in womens' undies. and upskirting. *shakes head. such people should be caught and heavily punished. this guy is becoming such a hot item that he is like posting such videos online in a forum!
i've sent out a few mails with the videos attached. anyone else wans to have a look at the videos. msg me k. i'll glady send it to you. if you're wanting to STOP and PREVENT such nonsense. IF NOT! THEN JUST BUZZ OFF! dont be such a pervert.
i've sent out a few mails with the videos attached. anyone else wans to have a look at the videos. msg me k. i'll glady send it to you. if you're wanting to STOP and PREVENT such nonsense. IF NOT! THEN JUST BUZZ OFF! dont be such a pervert.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
AHHH! the burn mark is peeling!): its itchy. and reddish.): and namngee had to rub salt to the wound. he kept saying that there would be a scar. ARGH! and he said "eh den next time you cannot wear skirt lo." ): i dont wana have a scar. haix. the babe said that it was nothing. and its like that one. why am i being doubtful about such remarks. and its kinda hurting to see that he hasnt ask anything abt it. until i mentioned to him yest that the mark was still red. he thought that its nothing. and there wasnt a need to ask. haix.):
the gemini
Pearl or moonstone (Gemini)
You like: Interesting conversations, wacky movies, new places 'n' people and being first in line for the latest CD or fashion trend..
You dislike: Being told what to do, being told what not to do and people who sit in ur space for hours saying nothing.
You're best at: Organising parties, thinking up brilliant ideas for projects 'n' stuff and doing six different things at the same time.
Deep down: U are always looking around the corner for the next exciting person, place or adventure to stimulate ur restless mind. U like to be involved in whatever's happening and hate being left out of things.
Your career: Lend ur mind around a career in computer technology, theatre directing or feed ur adrenalin by becoming a circus performer.
Fashion: With fash! ion, as with everything else, you're a creature of extremes. One day, you'll pull out all the stops and really go to town on your appearance, the next you'll deliberately dress down. Yellow's your
top colour but actually, you look good in any bright shade. You're a complete sucker for shoes, especially non-sensible ones, but being such a fast walker, you'd probably do your feet a favour by sometimes opting for less crazy styles.
As a mate: You are loads of fun to be around. People love your sense of humour and laugh-a-minute conversations. Always game to try out new things, u really are the life of the party and mates think u are just fab.
As a girlfriend: U get bored easily, so ur boyf's got to be a fun sort who enjoys surprising u. Clever and witty, u are quick to ditch someone who can't match ur mental magnetism, but watch that sharp tongue and
learn patience. Not everyone's as brilliantly brainy as u!
If your boyf's a Gemini: Learn to think on ur feet. He likes to play word games with u so best u engage that brain at all times. Not as physically affectionate as other signs, he is still a major flirt and loves being surrounded by girls. So don't be shy to play hard-to-get sometimes. He'll love the challenge.
Celebrity Geminis
Naomi Campbell (22/5/70), Lenny Kravitz (26/5/64), Denise Van Outen (27/5/74), Kylie Minogue (28/5/68), Noel Gallagher(29/5/67),Mel B(29/5/75),Angelina Jolie (4/6/76), Johnny Depp (9/6/63), Liz Hurley (10/6/65), Nicole Kidman (20/6/66) and Prince William (21/6/82).
You like: Interesting conversations, wacky movies, new places 'n' people and being first in line for the latest CD or fashion trend..
You dislike: Being told what to do, being told what not to do and people who sit in ur space for hours saying nothing.
You're best at: Organising parties, thinking up brilliant ideas for projects 'n' stuff and doing six different things at the same time.
Deep down: U are always looking around the corner for the next exciting person, place or adventure to stimulate ur restless mind. U like to be involved in whatever's happening and hate being left out of things.
Your career: Lend ur mind around a career in computer technology, theatre directing or feed ur adrenalin by becoming a circus performer.
Fashion: With fash! ion, as with everything else, you're a creature of extremes. One day, you'll pull out all the stops and really go to town on your appearance, the next you'll deliberately dress down. Yellow's your
top colour but actually, you look good in any bright shade. You're a complete sucker for shoes, especially non-sensible ones, but being such a fast walker, you'd probably do your feet a favour by sometimes opting for less crazy styles.
As a mate: You are loads of fun to be around. People love your sense of humour and laugh-a-minute conversations. Always game to try out new things, u really are the life of the party and mates think u are just fab.
As a girlfriend: U get bored easily, so ur boyf's got to be a fun sort who enjoys surprising u. Clever and witty, u are quick to ditch someone who can't match ur mental magnetism, but watch that sharp tongue and
learn patience. Not everyone's as brilliantly brainy as u!
If your boyf's a Gemini: Learn to think on ur feet. He likes to play word games with u so best u engage that brain at all times. Not as physically affectionate as other signs, he is still a major flirt and loves being surrounded by girls. So don't be shy to play hard-to-get sometimes. He'll love the challenge.
Celebrity Geminis
Naomi Campbell (22/5/70), Lenny Kravitz (26/5/64), Denise Van Outen (27/5/74), Kylie Minogue (28/5/68), Noel Gallagher(29/5/67),Mel B(29/5/75),Angelina Jolie (4/6/76), Johnny Depp (9/6/63), Liz Hurley (10/6/65), Nicole Kidman (20/6/66) and Prince William (21/6/82).
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
the needed break
so this week is the crit week. which equals to the much needed break.
oh i forgot to mention that i went to watch that emily rose movie on monday with the darling and the honey. the honey fell aslp in the theatre. while the darling was busy sheltering her eyes. lolx. and i had popcorn!(: was having this urge to eat popcorn! lolx.
lectures today. so tiring. and the weather was just too gd to be in class. i kept almost dozing off during faris lesson. came home straight after sch. since we've got no plans. n the weather was too tempting. wanted to nap. but i got stucked to the tv. HBO was screening the LORD OF THE RINGS : RETURN OF THE KING. so i just kept watching. n watching till it ended at 730pm. so no more nap.
dinnered. and now i'm going off to bed le. tired! waking early tmr. ciaos.
oh i forgot to mention that i went to watch that emily rose movie on monday with the darling and the honey. the honey fell aslp in the theatre. while the darling was busy sheltering her eyes. lolx. and i had popcorn!(: was having this urge to eat popcorn! lolx.
lectures today. so tiring. and the weather was just too gd to be in class. i kept almost dozing off during faris lesson. came home straight after sch. since we've got no plans. n the weather was too tempting. wanted to nap. but i got stucked to the tv. HBO was screening the LORD OF THE RINGS : RETURN OF THE KING. so i just kept watching. n watching till it ended at 730pm. so no more nap.
dinnered. and now i'm going off to bed le. tired! waking early tmr. ciaos.
Monday, November 21, 2005
done and done.
finally T2a is over! had submission today. i met chunmeng at 740am to head to sch together. and guess who i saw early in the morning! i saw JOANNE ANG SHI MIN! *shocked! she was on the way to work. yup. she look so girly now. i miss hanging ard sch with her n gang.
had my crit today. well. i canot say it went well or not. guess its just normal. *shrugs. cant say anything. cos its only the first stage. n they're just helping to us with the concept generation.
and ya. i wore the nyonya kebaya today. while sherrie was in a sari to aid chunmeng for his presentation. hmm. was fun wearing the kebaya. and the lects were so excited seeing us in the outfits. faris was like wanting to take photos. so he made sabrina take some photos with her phone. i took photos too!

see thats me n my darling!(:
had my crit today. well. i canot say it went well or not. guess its just normal. *shrugs. cant say anything. cos its only the first stage. n they're just helping to us with the concept generation.
and ya. i wore the nyonya kebaya today. while sherrie was in a sari to aid chunmeng for his presentation. hmm. was fun wearing the kebaya. and the lects were so excited seeing us in the outfits. faris was like wanting to take photos. so he made sabrina take some photos with her phone. i took photos too!
see thats me n my darling!(:
i'm done! or i think i am. hopefully tmr goes well. cos i've not met the min requirements. didnt do sections. didnt have time. been doing the research. the tod. the model. the sketches. blah. blah. blah. so i just gave up on the sections.
anyway. i did try to write something. to prepare for tmr's presentation. and if everything goes well. i might even be wearing the kebaya for the presentation.
i got up like early today! considering that it is a sunday! TANSEOKHUI called me to ask whether i wanted to go towning with them! lolx. n i was still aslp. n i got a scolding from her! "OIE! PATSY PEH! YOU STILL ASLP AH! YOU KNOW WHAT TIME LE MA? ITS 1115AM ALREADY K! BETTER GET UP AND GO WASH UP LE!!!!" she was so noisy lorx. and sharon ng was her back up noise. *shakes head. those two are like stuck together. no wonder they're called shadows.
so i had no choice but to get up. washed up. ate abit. was thinking what time to head over to queensway to resize my stuff. and msged the babe. he said he wanted to come over. so while waiting i did the base of my model. he waited for me to finish. he fell aslp on the couch while watching tv. we left for queensway. got my stuff printed. it cost me $7.30!): we had macs for lunch n saw this accident across the street. a bike had ran into a taxi.
headed over to his fren's place. had to pass his fren something. went over to his place after that. cos i needed to get CDrs from him. which i had forgotten to mention to him abt the night before. while at his place. i fell aslp on the couch. n he fell aslp in his room. lolx. we're just too tired. he woke me up cos my sis had msged him asking us to buy dinner for her.
we had mos burger for dinner!(: i get to choose where we were to have dinner cos i was paying! wahahaha.(: and during the meal we witness a kid vomiting. *yucks! n the kid was just sitting 2 tables away from us. *shivers. he was vomiting green stuff out from his mouth n nostrils.):
homed. finished up my model. n prepared for tmr. n now i'm yawning away. i've been slping for 5hrs daily now. tts not gd. n now i have this pimple outburst!): so sad.):
btw with regards to what gene said on the taggie. that just goes to show that we're not the perfect couple. we too have differences. yup. details on such a matter would not be discolsed on this blog. so. sorry. ciaos.
gotta head for bed now. nights!
anyway. i did try to write something. to prepare for tmr's presentation. and if everything goes well. i might even be wearing the kebaya for the presentation.
i got up like early today! considering that it is a sunday! TANSEOKHUI called me to ask whether i wanted to go towning with them! lolx. n i was still aslp. n i got a scolding from her! "OIE! PATSY PEH! YOU STILL ASLP AH! YOU KNOW WHAT TIME LE MA? ITS 1115AM ALREADY K! BETTER GET UP AND GO WASH UP LE!!!!" she was so noisy lorx. and sharon ng was her back up noise. *shakes head. those two are like stuck together. no wonder they're called shadows.
so i had no choice but to get up. washed up. ate abit. was thinking what time to head over to queensway to resize my stuff. and msged the babe. he said he wanted to come over. so while waiting i did the base of my model. he waited for me to finish. he fell aslp on the couch while watching tv. we left for queensway. got my stuff printed. it cost me $7.30!): we had macs for lunch n saw this accident across the street. a bike had ran into a taxi.
headed over to his fren's place. had to pass his fren something. went over to his place after that. cos i needed to get CDrs from him. which i had forgotten to mention to him abt the night before. while at his place. i fell aslp on the couch. n he fell aslp in his room. lolx. we're just too tired. he woke me up cos my sis had msged him asking us to buy dinner for her.
we had mos burger for dinner!(: i get to choose where we were to have dinner cos i was paying! wahahaha.(: and during the meal we witness a kid vomiting. *yucks! n the kid was just sitting 2 tables away from us. *shivers. he was vomiting green stuff out from his mouth n nostrils.):
homed. finished up my model. n prepared for tmr. n now i'm yawning away. i've been slping for 5hrs daily now. tts not gd. n now i have this pimple outburst!): so sad.):
btw with regards to what gene said on the taggie. that just goes to show that we're not the perfect couple. we too have differences. yup. details on such a matter would not be discolsed on this blog. so. sorry. ciaos.
gotta head for bed now. nights!
Sunday, November 20, 2005
patsy is a pimple-fied girl.):
back again! i can never stop blogging. heex.(:
anyway. been trying to do as much work as possible. i've done my architect research and the concept write up. hopefully its gd enough. haix. which i think is just me dreaming again. and tmr i've gotta go either peace center or queensway to get my stuff resized from A3 to A4. haix. spend money again.):
i'm hungry! cos i skipped dinner again. yup. went to the stadium for work today. took the bus. but got a call from mum saying she was going to send us to work. like what the?! so last min! den i had to wait for her for 40mins! argh! nvm me. i just hate last min notices. and being alone. waiting!):
so pam n i got to work just on time. lucky!(: had briefing. wasnt paying attention at all. bluehx. did east side tix collector. n i made 2 new frens. they are batman n robin!(they said so!) one is a current SP student from CLS. i'm a lil doubtful abt this. cos he kept tricking me.): and the other i think knows the lects from sch. cos when i said i was from interior. he replied "FC 1 there one ah?" n i was shocked. kept bugging him to tell me how he knew. he just didnt wana say. den when i asked him whether he knew any lects from interior. he nodded. when i mentioned faris. he laughed sneakily. argh! and throughout the whole tix collecting session they kept poking fun at my name.): *pout.
i think the concert was not bad. just that the music is too loud.(the floor was vibrating) the lights were too bright!(kept getting shined on.) but i did enjoy the singing! i like lee shen jie.(: he can sing live! the whole concert felt like a kbox outing. just that you had stars singing live. the area i was working at was so empty. i could just sit there and sing along without any interference.(:
oh i dont think i'll be working for TAOZE's concert le. cos there are so many people wanting to work on that day. haix.): there goes my taoze concert.): haix.): hopefully someone backs out. n they call me in to work!(: *cross fingers.
not being able to get ample slp cause patsy's face to be pimple-fied.):
i know what else comes with the hungry cum neck stiff package. a painful chest. argh! i suddenly feel so weak.):
anyway. been trying to do as much work as possible. i've done my architect research and the concept write up. hopefully its gd enough. haix. which i think is just me dreaming again. and tmr i've gotta go either peace center or queensway to get my stuff resized from A3 to A4. haix. spend money again.):
i'm hungry! cos i skipped dinner again. yup. went to the stadium for work today. took the bus. but got a call from mum saying she was going to send us to work. like what the?! so last min! den i had to wait for her for 40mins! argh! nvm me. i just hate last min notices. and being alone. waiting!):
so pam n i got to work just on time. lucky!(: had briefing. wasnt paying attention at all. bluehx. did east side tix collector. n i made 2 new frens. they are batman n robin!(they said so!) one is a current SP student from CLS. i'm a lil doubtful abt this. cos he kept tricking me.): and the other i think knows the lects from sch. cos when i said i was from interior. he replied "FC 1 there one ah?" n i was shocked. kept bugging him to tell me how he knew. he just didnt wana say. den when i asked him whether he knew any lects from interior. he nodded. when i mentioned faris. he laughed sneakily. argh! and throughout the whole tix collecting session they kept poking fun at my name.): *pout.
i think the concert was not bad. just that the music is too loud.(the floor was vibrating) the lights were too bright!(kept getting shined on.) but i did enjoy the singing! i like lee shen jie.(: he can sing live! the whole concert felt like a kbox outing. just that you had stars singing live. the area i was working at was so empty. i could just sit there and sing along without any interference.(:
oh i dont think i'll be working for TAOZE's concert le. cos there are so many people wanting to work on that day. haix.): there goes my taoze concert.): haix.): hopefully someone backs out. n they call me in to work!(: *cross fingers.
not being able to get ample slp cause patsy's face to be pimple-fied.):
i know what else comes with the hungry cum neck stiff package. a painful chest. argh! i suddenly feel so weak.):
Saturday, November 19, 2005
amongst all the rushing.
taking a break from all the choing-ing. been doing work since i forgot. so till now i've finished my ppt, my TOD. tts all. so much more to go.):
hmm. did a abit of the plans. but i think they're not gd enough. kinda empty. looks and feels weird. still have my concept write up to do. the architect study and the MODEL!): haix.):
would be working tmr night. hopefully i can most things done by then. n get the model started on.
for now. i'm a hungry girl. n i canot think on an empty stomach. n my temper is really bad with an empty stomach.): shucks!
i wana slp! but i shall not! i shall stay up to do work! see i'm such a gd girl.(:
anyways i wana watch harry potter. babe offered just now. it was tempting. but the timeslots were too late. considering the fact that by the time that i'm home i wont have much time to do almost anything. so nope. gave up that offer. wanted to have dinner. but on our way out. it rained. so we gave up that idea. i look funny in that over-sized biker raincoat thingy. i felt like a BIG POTATO! babe said i looked like a marshmellow. lolx.
i've got a crying stomach. stiff neck. wat else is coming with tis package?
hmm. did a abit of the plans. but i think they're not gd enough. kinda empty. looks and feels weird. still have my concept write up to do. the architect study and the MODEL!): haix.):
would be working tmr night. hopefully i can most things done by then. n get the model started on.
for now. i'm a hungry girl. n i canot think on an empty stomach. n my temper is really bad with an empty stomach.): shucks!
i wana slp! but i shall not! i shall stay up to do work! see i'm such a gd girl.(:
anyways i wana watch harry potter. babe offered just now. it was tempting. but the timeslots were too late. considering the fact that by the time that i'm home i wont have much time to do almost anything. so nope. gave up that offer. wanted to have dinner. but on our way out. it rained. so we gave up that idea. i look funny in that over-sized biker raincoat thingy. i felt like a BIG POTATO! babe said i looked like a marshmellow. lolx.
i've got a crying stomach. stiff neck. wat else is coming with tis package?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
lucky me.
rem that guy who called me at 5am! was happy he didnt call again!(: cos it was way freaky if he did. n i needed the slp.(:
anyway i met babe today. went ard with his frens to center bike ards. we got caught in the rain. lucky eh?!):
think the rain is taking its effect on me le.):
i still have so much to do!): n its already wed! faris said tt my ppt is done already! i dont think so. i've still have so much that i've not put in. hmm. anyway he made me start on my conceptual idea today. made me draw plans. think i'll be doing a layering project. hopefully it works.(:
i'm hunry. think tt $2 bowl of laksa aint filling.):
sun tanning too much causes a permanent de-pigmantation to the skin! which means you'll lose your natural 'tan' that you have. and the more you tan. the higher your chance of getting CANCER! learnt all these in gems class which happily ended at 150pm!(:
i'm hunry.): i'm so sick. physically and with the project.): haix.): am in no mood to do work. *shrugs. hopefully i can pass ba.
anyway i met babe today. went ard with his frens to center bike ards. we got caught in the rain. lucky eh?!):
think the rain is taking its effect on me le.):
i still have so much to do!): n its already wed! faris said tt my ppt is done already! i dont think so. i've still have so much that i've not put in. hmm. anyway he made me start on my conceptual idea today. made me draw plans. think i'll be doing a layering project. hopefully it works.(:
i'm hunry. think tt $2 bowl of laksa aint filling.):
sun tanning too much causes a permanent de-pigmantation to the skin! which means you'll lose your natural 'tan' that you have. and the more you tan. the higher your chance of getting CANCER! learnt all these in gems class which happily ended at 150pm!(:
i'm hunry.): i'm so sick. physically and with the project.): haix.): am in no mood to do work. *shrugs. hopefully i can pass ba.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
i got a freaky caller.

anyway i got this freaky call at 5am this morning. some malay guy called looking for his fren. and being in that half-aslp-half-awake condition. i just said "ya" to every single thing the guy said. hmm. and i only found things weird. when he started to talk in malay! AH! den i was like who is this? "isnt this XXX" the guy replied. "er. no. who are you?" "who are you?" "er. patsy. who are you? and who are you looking for?" "is your no 9xxxxxxx?" this conversation lasted abt 30s or so. den that guy went on to explain how he got my no. he mentioned something abt his fren giving it to him on a piece of paper. very long ago. he was just trying to call. and like contact his fren. and he just went on and on. i think i was being too polite to someone who called at 5am to disturb my slp! den he said "can we be frens?" "er. NO!" "can i call you again?" "NO!" "why not?" "er. just NO!" and i just kept no-ing. and i hung up. eeks! freaky.
and on my way to sch this morning. that guy mms-ed me his pics! *wide eyes! scary! i hope he doesnt call again. i'm afraid i wont know what to do. haix.): he sound like a perveted desperate
anyway sch was alright today. had this really SHORT (not to mention a waste of time) quiz in class for intech. it was an open book quiz. n everyone was asking everyone n anyone for the ans. *shakes head. and theory class was ok. watch videos, listen to music, had the seminar readings. so it was ok. with the usual bit of laughter with faris every action. lolx.(: faris asked every single one for a fav bk title. i said james and the gaint peach.(: i duno. it was the first title that came into my mind. and he asked abt what is the most expressive architectual you've seen in singapore. i wanted to say one of the cathedral. but i forgot the name. den he went on to any architectual you've seen. and i said the pyramids. dont you think that the pyramids are such a majestic sight. and the presence of it. makes you go WHOA! hmm. i like theory lessons with faris. its enjoying.(:
i got a comment today that i've grown fatter.): AHH!! bad sign!): in fact i do think i'm rounder le. haix. been eating way too much le. sigh. i've gotta lose like so much extra kgs i've gained ever since sec sch!):
i had a fight (To engage in boxing or wrestling) with xiaohong today in class. and when he told faris. faris was like go on. lolx.(: i like faris. he's fun. he's so naive.(:
Sunday, November 13, 2005
it has just been brought to my attention that there will be a pin up tmr. for the proposed plans and sections. notice to (s) behind both plan & section. haix.): i so dead! n i've not even completed the research docket.):
the afternoon with the peranakan.(:
i got up early on this sunday morning. was going over to the babe's place. needed some help from his mum regarding the history of the nyonyas and certain things abt the kebaya.(:
i just realised tt i love taking long bus rides!(: cos i'm on concession! lolx. nah. i just love taking long bus rides in general.(:
anyway babe's mum has been such a great help. she has loaned me a few books. and today she loaned another book to me!(: she even sat down and went through some of the contents in the book. i wanted to do an voice-recorded interview with her. but didnt have the time. so i skipped tt. n just asked her qns. hoping she has to ans. lolx. i think babe's mum is so cute. i took some pics of her in the kebaya. n she did a few poses for me. lolx. she even wanted to see if they were nice pics. not nice gotta retake again. she's such a cute person!(: anyway she's been nothing but a GREAT help!(: (eh babe. thank your mum for me again k.)
babe wanted to go bladding with his fren(s). n wanted to drag me along. but i declined the offer. firstly i didnt know how to blade. secondly. the weather was just making me lazy. then. i was just plain LAZY! lolx. but he wanted to go. but was afraid tt i might get angry.(which i think could have possibly happened) if he went. cos i did mention tt i wanted his company. but we took such a long time deciding. he ended up giving up on the idea. and i was happy to get his company for at least a day. just the 2 of us. n no frens.
went over to expo to look for my mum. her company is having a stall there. selling some chicken thingys. didnt try. had dinner with mum. wasnt gd! i think i didnt even finish half the duck noodles i was having. mum finish like 3/4. babe had beef noodles. n he said he aint gd either. expo has a lousy foodcourt. bluehx! after dinner. mum went ard asking for samples from her frens from other stalls. lolx. n she managed to take 1 BIG bag of cappri sonne drinks.(i think the name is spelled like tt. if its wrong. i'm referring to the packed friuty drink tt is in a weird shape.) 1 loaf of gardinea rasin bread. both babe n i think tt its amazing how my mum managed to take so much! lolx. left mum. went to this so called "branded sale". we feel so CHEATED! haix.):
bid mum gdbye. she gave babe a bag full of chicken thingys. which i duno what is it. hmm. i seriously didnt felt like coming home. but babe had to go home to do his hw(as he calls it). n slp early. cos he's on the morning shift the coming week. n i had to do some work before sch tmr. or i think i'm so gona get kicked in the ass by faris/jonathon. ok. mayb not what i've mentioned. but somewhat ard tt area.
i did do a few drawings. i dun think their gd enough. but i've tried my best. aint gd with technical/perspective hand drawns.): gotta brush up on tt. i cant do anything to the ppt. cos my microsoft programs canot work! haix.): so i'm stucked with tt! hopefully i dont get kicked tmr. ciaos.
some images of eugene's mum.(:

i just realised tt i love taking long bus rides!(: cos i'm on concession! lolx. nah. i just love taking long bus rides in general.(:
anyway babe's mum has been such a great help. she has loaned me a few books. and today she loaned another book to me!(: she even sat down and went through some of the contents in the book. i wanted to do an voice-recorded interview with her. but didnt have the time. so i skipped tt. n just asked her qns. hoping she has to ans. lolx. i think babe's mum is so cute. i took some pics of her in the kebaya. n she did a few poses for me. lolx. she even wanted to see if they were nice pics. not nice gotta retake again. she's such a cute person!(: anyway she's been nothing but a GREAT help!(: (eh babe. thank your mum for me again k.)
babe wanted to go bladding with his fren(s). n wanted to drag me along. but i declined the offer. firstly i didnt know how to blade. secondly. the weather was just making me lazy. then. i was just plain LAZY! lolx. but he wanted to go. but was afraid tt i might get angry.(which i think could have possibly happened) if he went. cos i did mention tt i wanted his company. but we took such a long time deciding. he ended up giving up on the idea. and i was happy to get his company for at least a day. just the 2 of us. n no frens.
went over to expo to look for my mum. her company is having a stall there. selling some chicken thingys. didnt try. had dinner with mum. wasnt gd! i think i didnt even finish half the duck noodles i was having. mum finish like 3/4. babe had beef noodles. n he said he aint gd either. expo has a lousy foodcourt. bluehx! after dinner. mum went ard asking for samples from her frens from other stalls. lolx. n she managed to take 1 BIG bag of cappri sonne drinks.(i think the name is spelled like tt. if its wrong. i'm referring to the packed friuty drink tt is in a weird shape.) 1 loaf of gardinea rasin bread. both babe n i think tt its amazing how my mum managed to take so much! lolx. left mum. went to this so called "branded sale". we feel so CHEATED! haix.):
bid mum gdbye. she gave babe a bag full of chicken thingys. which i duno what is it. hmm. i seriously didnt felt like coming home. but babe had to go home to do his hw(as he calls it). n slp early. cos he's on the morning shift the coming week. n i had to do some work before sch tmr. or i think i'm so gona get kicked in the ass by faris/jonathon. ok. mayb not what i've mentioned. but somewhat ard tt area.
i did do a few drawings. i dun think their gd enough. but i've tried my best. aint gd with technical/perspective hand drawns.): gotta brush up on tt. i cant do anything to the ppt. cos my microsoft programs canot work! haix.): so i'm stucked with tt! hopefully i dont get kicked tmr. ciaos.
some images of eugene's mum.(:
Saturday, November 12, 2005
patsy is a tired little girl.
i met the darling this morning to finish up on the site analysis. the weather was such a killer! we almost melted in the sun.):
tried our best to stay focus on the project. but the weather was not helping at all!
we went for lunch at cine. had pasta. had to convince her that eating too much mos was bad! walked over to taka/wisma area after lunch. walked ard the christmas toys sale at taka. i saw CAREBEARS! I WANT! and i saw BIGBIRD and gang! i WANT! *pout. chritsmas is just ard the corner you know. *hints. namngee called to ask where we were. he wanted to join us for the analysis thing.
walked over to hereen to meet him. n we actually missed him! we crossed the road without seeing him! it was such a funny sight. called him. n he looked everywhere but couldnt see us! lolx. i still wana try that fruit-chocolate thing their selling at hereen.
when back to continue with the next session of the analysis. the crowd was soooooo HUGE! many people visit town on saturdays! haix.):
went over to ps. to walk ard. since we had like 2hr break. had mos milk tea. much love.(: we were like aimlessly walking ard. haix.
i think after this i'm going to try NOT to step into town for as long i can. its kinda sianx to be in town for soo many days.):
i just realised how many movies i want(ed) to watch.(but couldnt)
1. (my) charlie and the chocolate factory. (yes. i know i'm outdated. but i still have not watched it!)
2. the corpse bride. (yes. this too!)
3. brothers grimm. (haix. nobody to watch with. so i miss it.)
4. 40 year old vrigin. (i couldnt find anyone who was willing/legal to watch it with me.)
5. deuce bigalow. (sigh.)
6. domino.
7. sky high.
8. HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!! (this i MUST. die die MUST watch! dun care!)
9. just like heaven.
10. the exorcism of emily rose.
11. oilver twist.
12. pride and prejudice.
13. flight plan.
14. all about love.(zai shuo yo chi wo ai ni. tt andy lau show!)
i think tt should be all for now. sigh. look at tt! tts alot!): i live a sad life. i do not have a social life!): even faris has time to watch movie. and i dont.):
anyway i saw this REALLY CUTE boy. he was walking outside UOB! just walking ard. sherrie asked me something "do you always get so excited when you see kids?" "yea!(: i love kids.(:"
my mum says she wana give the dog away. hate it when she's such a bitch. she was the one who took the dog back. and now she wans to return it jsut because she canot take tt dog smell you get if you have dogs at home. haix.): it was the same thing with the previous dog. hopefully she's just saying it! haix. i've grown somewhat attached to the dog.
tried our best to stay focus on the project. but the weather was not helping at all!
we went for lunch at cine. had pasta. had to convince her that eating too much mos was bad! walked over to taka/wisma area after lunch. walked ard the christmas toys sale at taka. i saw CAREBEARS! I WANT! and i saw BIGBIRD and gang! i WANT! *pout. chritsmas is just ard the corner you know. *hints. namngee called to ask where we were. he wanted to join us for the analysis thing.
walked over to hereen to meet him. n we actually missed him! we crossed the road without seeing him! it was such a funny sight. called him. n he looked everywhere but couldnt see us! lolx. i still wana try that fruit-chocolate thing their selling at hereen.
when back to continue with the next session of the analysis. the crowd was soooooo HUGE! many people visit town on saturdays! haix.):
went over to ps. to walk ard. since we had like 2hr break. had mos milk tea. much love.(: we were like aimlessly walking ard. haix.
i think after this i'm going to try NOT to step into town for as long i can. its kinda sianx to be in town for soo many days.):
i just realised how many movies i want(ed) to watch.(but couldnt)
1. (my) charlie and the chocolate factory. (yes. i know i'm outdated. but i still have not watched it!)
2. the corpse bride. (yes. this too!)
3. brothers grimm. (haix. nobody to watch with. so i miss it.)
4. 40 year old vrigin. (i couldnt find anyone who was willing/legal to watch it with me.)
5. deuce bigalow. (sigh.)
6. domino.
7. sky high.
8. HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!! (this i MUST. die die MUST watch! dun care!)
9. just like heaven.
10. the exorcism of emily rose.
11. oilver twist.
12. pride and prejudice.
13. flight plan.
14. all about love.(zai shuo yo chi wo ai ni. tt andy lau show!)
i think tt should be all for now. sigh. look at tt! tts alot!): i live a sad life. i do not have a social life!): even faris has time to watch movie. and i dont.):
anyway i saw this REALLY CUTE boy. he was walking outside UOB! just walking ard. sherrie asked me something "do you always get so excited when you see kids?" "yea!(: i love kids.(:"
my mum says she wana give the dog away. hate it when she's such a bitch. she was the one who took the dog back. and now she wans to return it jsut because she canot take tt dog smell you get if you have dogs at home. haix.): it was the same thing with the previous dog. hopefully she's just saying it! haix. i've grown somewhat attached to the dog.
Friday, November 11, 2005
guess the song.
and if you need me ; you�d kiss me then tell me how you feel
and if you want me ; you�d show me that your love is for real
and if you love me ; you�d hold me in your arms where I belong
so while I�m feeling strong ; I sing you one last song
i know you worry sometimes
some othergirlguy will make me forget you're mine
there's not a doubt in this world
that anyone could take the
place of my number onegirlguy
and if you want me ; you�d show me that your love is for real
and if you love me ; you�d hold me in your arms where I belong
so while I�m feeling strong ; I sing you one last song
i know you worry sometimes
some other
there's not a doubt in this world
that anyone could take the
place of my number one
Thursday, November 10, 2005
patsy is a sick girl.
i feel sick.): my nose is in pain. my tummy feels weird. my throat is super dry. haix.):
i canot believe that i have 5566 song! luckily its only 1! lolx. liked the song when i was in sec sch. my fren used to say that that's the only song that i could sing in tune. but i only a bit of the song. lolx.
i dont think i'll be able to finish my requirements for this stage of the project. haix.): although i've done some of the site analysis, n done 1 of the retail shop. but i still got soooo much to do! argh!
ahhh! now my nose is running! *sniff! shucks! shall go off soon. wana rest!
i canot believe that i have 5566 song! luckily its only 1! lolx. liked the song when i was in sec sch. my fren used to say that that's the only song that i could sing in tune. but i only a bit of the song. lolx.
i dont think i'll be able to finish my requirements for this stage of the project. haix.): although i've done some of the site analysis, n done 1 of the retail shop. but i still got soooo much to do! argh!
ahhh! now my nose is running! *sniff! shucks! shall go off soon. wana rest!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
our attack on the UOB.
schooled today. faris was doing this spongebob imitation. "imagination" lolx.(: it was funny! faris watches SPONGEBOB!(: skipped gems class. came home. changed into shorts. cos it was sooo hot! den i went over to find the darling at UOB.
sat there. noticed the crowd. cit chatted. crapped. took videos. sat there for an hr plus. n we ended that session. n headed over to funan.
it was our virgin experience at funan! WHA! *eyes open big big! lolx. collected the camera. n went back to town. had dinner at mos. AGAIN! went to do another session of observation.
we looked like terrorists wanted to bomb that place up. the security guard kept looking at us from inside the bank. *shakes head.
this project is like making us potential stalkers/paparazzi. lolx.
i just found my donation card. was beginning to think that its missing. it only has $2 inside. kindly donated by my sis. and i found this neoprint taken ages ago! when i still had short hair! it was taken with PTLP! lolx. that was soooooooo long ago! i feel like cutting my hair short! hmm.
just got remarks from babe's fren that i've grown prettier! tts gd.(: but with this project. i think i've become a lil weak in complexion. i look older! haix.): *pouts.
we just got attacked by this BEATLE! gross!):
sat there. noticed the crowd. cit chatted. crapped. took videos. sat there for an hr plus. n we ended that session. n headed over to funan.
it was our virgin experience at funan! WHA! *eyes open big big! lolx. collected the camera. n went back to town. had dinner at mos. AGAIN! went to do another session of observation.
we looked like terrorists wanted to bomb that place up. the security guard kept looking at us from inside the bank. *shakes head.
this project is like making us potential stalkers/paparazzi. lolx.
i just found my donation card. was beginning to think that its missing. it only has $2 inside. kindly donated by my sis. and i found this neoprint taken ages ago! when i still had short hair! it was taken with PTLP! lolx. that was soooooooo long ago! i feel like cutting my hair short! hmm.
just got remarks from babe's fren that i've grown prettier! tts gd.(: but with this project. i think i've become a lil weak in complexion. i look older! haix.): *pouts.
we just got attacked by this BEATLE! gross!):
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
the search for the nyonya kebaya.
so the search continues. we went down to tiong today. hoping we could get more pics of shops selling the nyonya kebaya. but we only found out that the shop has misteriously relocated. walked all over looking for blk 83. when blk 83 doesnt exist anymore!
headed down to town. to look for more shops. did see. but didnt take any pics.):
had mos. yes. again.(: much love for mos!(:
i feel that i wont have enough time to finish up with the stuff. haix.): shit. off to do some productive stuff. ciaos.
headed down to town. to look for more shops. did see. but didnt take any pics.):
had mos. yes. again.(: much love for mos!(:
i feel that i wont have enough time to finish up with the stuff. haix.): shit. off to do some productive stuff. ciaos.
Monday, November 07, 2005
marriage part two.
i think my sis should hurry get married! den i've got a wedding to attend! weddings are so much fun!(:
and another thing is i can get the whole room to myself. wahahahahaha. (actually thats the main reason la. lolx.)
but weddings are so fun.(: i so wanted to attend that wedding. but *shrugs. still broading over that matter. i'm such a petty(as my sis says) girl. but i'm to blame. for being so fickled minded! bluehx.
oh btws i think drinking is bad. firstly. you smell! secondly. drinking too much causes one to vomit. and then. it also causes hang overs. it is bad! *nods. bad. bad. bad.
i'm not made for night life. my battery would be dead by 12am. or mayb even earlier. i'm a person who MUST slp! without slp i'll just die!
this is such a randomised post. oh wells.
off to bed i go. there's lectures to attend tmr. double lesson for theory of design. *sulks. and after that going to head down to tiong with sherrie n namngee. do research again. would be home late again. sucks.): anyways nights!(:
and another thing is i can get the whole room to myself. wahahahahaha. (actually thats the main reason la. lolx.)
but weddings are so fun.(: i so wanted to attend that wedding. but *shrugs. still broading over that matter. i'm such a petty(as my sis says) girl. but i'm to blame. for being so fickled minded! bluehx.
oh btws i think drinking is bad. firstly. you smell! secondly. drinking too much causes one to vomit. and then. it also causes hang overs. it is bad! *nods. bad. bad. bad.
i'm not made for night life. my battery would be dead by 12am. or mayb even earlier. i'm a person who MUST slp! without slp i'll just die!
this is such a randomised post. oh wells.
off to bed i go. there's lectures to attend tmr. double lesson for theory of design. *sulks. and after that going to head down to tiong with sherrie n namngee. do research again. would be home late again. sucks.): anyways nights!(:
1 day tour.
so schooled today at 8am. which i think is super early. considering the fact that i'm still not used to getting up at 7am. argh!
anyways had lecture today. abt the restrictions we have for this project. like canot hack the columns and stuff la. the usual lorx. height clearance and stuff. hmm.
after lunch was supposed to see the lecturers abt our research. went to talk to jonathan for a while. den we left at ard 2pm. to head down to the asia civilisation museum. to look at the peranakan exhibits. went with sherrie namngee weesoon. i like weesoon. he's so easy to bully. we were like bullying him all the way. from sch to the museum.(:
sat outside the museum for a chat before heading down to arab st to the keyaba shop. went there. took pics. took a video. saw laoda and junda! asked the sales lady a few qns. yup. n we were done! the custom made kebayas are so cheap! cost only like $60. so tempting. lolx. and namngee was saying something abt wearing ethic costume on racial harmony day or CNY. lolx.(: i like racial harmony day! esp in STC. cos we celebrated it at night! so its racial harmony night!(: walked ard a few more shops. walked into kampong glum. n saw laoda junda jianzhi edwin. so qiao! lolx. we then left that place for bugis.
wanted to have mos. but we decided to go to marina for mos instead on the belief that there was STILL a mos there. we took a bus down. walked over to esplande. went to this super expensive keyaba shop! the kebayas there are like 2 times the ones at arab st! haix. n they didnt allow us to take photos!): so sad.
i took 195 home. i like taking 195. although its such a long journey. but i like.(:
have a read at this. the babe's blog. its interesting.(:
anyways had lecture today. abt the restrictions we have for this project. like canot hack the columns and stuff la. the usual lorx. height clearance and stuff. hmm.
after lunch was supposed to see the lecturers abt our research. went to talk to jonathan for a while. den we left at ard 2pm. to head down to the asia civilisation museum. to look at the peranakan exhibits. went with sherrie namngee weesoon. i like weesoon. he's so easy to bully. we were like bullying him all the way. from sch to the museum.(:
sat outside the museum for a chat before heading down to arab st to the keyaba shop. went there. took pics. took a video. saw laoda and junda! asked the sales lady a few qns. yup. n we were done! the custom made kebayas are so cheap! cost only like $60. so tempting. lolx. and namngee was saying something abt wearing ethic costume on racial harmony day or CNY. lolx.(: i like racial harmony day! esp in STC. cos we celebrated it at night! so its racial harmony night!(: walked ard a few more shops. walked into kampong glum. n saw laoda junda jianzhi edwin. so qiao! lolx. we then left that place for bugis.
wanted to have mos. but we decided to go to marina for mos instead on the belief that there was STILL a mos there. we took a bus down. walked over to esplande. went to this super expensive keyaba shop! the kebayas there are like 2 times the ones at arab st! haix. n they didnt allow us to take photos!): so sad.
i took 195 home. i like taking 195. although its such a long journey. but i like.(:
have a read at this. the babe's blog. its interesting.(:
it seems like everyone is like getting married. *shrugs. just got news from babe that his fren is getting married end of this month. ROM first lorx. hmm.
duno lehx. its like so weird. so scary. to be getting married at such a age. *shrugs. mayb cos of the way i'm brought up. i feel that its weird to be getting married because of that reason. although there isnt anything wrong with that. and if i were to choose i would keep the child too. but i still think that its wrong. it doesnt mean everyone is getting married because of a child. then you have to do so.
having been taught abt child/childbirth. i think that parents should be stable enough to afford to have kids. be mature enough. do not be implusive and do things without thinking abt consequences. things like this make me ponder abt alot.
duno lehx. its like so weird. so scary. to be getting married at such a age. *shrugs. mayb cos of the way i'm brought up. i feel that its weird to be getting married because of that reason. although there isnt anything wrong with that. and if i were to choose i would keep the child too. but i still think that its wrong. it doesnt mean everyone is getting married because of a child. then you have to do so.
having been taught abt child/childbirth. i think that parents should be stable enough to afford to have kids. be mature enough. do not be implusive and do things without thinking abt consequences. things like this make me ponder abt alot.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
the self obsession is back again.
i've taken up the self obsession sport again.(: been take shots of myself throughout the whole day. lolx.(:
the baby(yixian) says i really deserve my title. (self obsessed freak!)
the baby(yixian) says i really deserve my title. (self obsessed freak!)
Friday, November 04, 2005
the big brother's bday.(:
today is a big day for the laoda of the class. its his 18th birthday!(: the sweetheart. the darling. suwei. namngee. myself decided that we should just bake a cake for him. as we didnt know what to get! turned out that the cake was much more successful than the previous time we baked. which was xiaohong's cake. *shrugs. we're improving!(: we got lotsa help from namngee's mum.(:
btw. did i mention that we baked a broccoli-creamed, chocolate-covered cake. the outer looks as though its a cake bought from any cake shop! serious! *gloats. but the inner. erm. better not to mention.
we shared pretty much of the cake. gave away a few slices to the lecturers. and ARTHUR! lolx.
after that we went for lunch at this fancy restaruant at holland. this pizza bar. cost me $20!): am so broke again. but its not bad. worth the money i suppose. anyway its a once in a while thing. n since its a birthday celebration. den *shrugs.
was suppose to go towning again. but gave up the idea. cos xiaohong didnt wana go. so he asked me to accompany him hang ard holland. cos he was going to pick his gf up in sch after 5pm. (btw xiaohong. if you're reading this. eugene says that xiaoran looks not bad. ask you to dont give up. yup.) so i suggested that we went tcc.(: i like. so me kelvin him went there. called to inform the darling and the rest that we were there. so if they wanted to. they could slack there too. yixian came over. as she only needed to leave ard 430pm. i was so looking forward to have the tcc brownie. but was sad to hear that they changed their menu already. and GOT NO MORE BROWNIE! i am sad.): sad. sad. sad. but i took the second best choice. something the waitress/xiaohong/laoda suggested. yup. it aint bad. but it isnt as gd as BROWNIE! throughout the whole second-best-choice-cake-thingy-eating session. i was saying "i wan weibuo! i wan weibuo!" lolx. ok. nonsense. the guys were trying to make yixian talk abt her secret. but nope. she didnt leak a single thing out. i tried to bluff them several times. but failed. either they're smart. or i lie terribly.):
after xiaohong/yixian left. i had a long talk with laoda.(: i love having long long talks!(: we kept asking each other qns. heex.(: its our mi mi(secret). *shhh.
photos of today.

today is a big day for the laoda of the class. its his 18th birthday!(: the sweetheart. the darling. suwei. namngee. myself decided that we should just bake a cake for him. as we didnt know what to get! turned out that the cake was much more successful than the previous time we baked. which was xiaohong's cake. *shrugs. we're improving!(: we got lotsa help from namngee's mum.(:
btw. did i mention that we baked a broccoli-creamed, chocolate-covered cake. the outer looks as though its a cake bought from any cake shop! serious! *gloats. but the inner. erm. better not to mention.
we shared pretty much of the cake. gave away a few slices to the lecturers. and ARTHUR! lolx.
after that we went for lunch at this fancy restaruant at holland. this pizza bar. cost me $20!): am so broke again. but its not bad. worth the money i suppose. anyway its a once in a while thing. n since its a birthday celebration. den *shrugs.
was suppose to go towning again. but gave up the idea. cos xiaohong didnt wana go. so he asked me to accompany him hang ard holland. cos he was going to pick his gf up in sch after 5pm. (btw xiaohong. if you're reading this. eugene says that xiaoran looks not bad. ask you to dont give up. yup.) so i suggested that we went tcc.(: i like. so me kelvin him went there. called to inform the darling and the rest that we were there. so if they wanted to. they could slack there too. yixian came over. as she only needed to leave ard 430pm. i was so looking forward to have the tcc brownie. but was sad to hear that they changed their menu already. and GOT NO MORE BROWNIE! i am sad.): sad. sad. sad. but i took the second best choice. something the waitress/xiaohong/laoda suggested. yup. it aint bad. but it isnt as gd as BROWNIE! throughout the whole second-best-choice-cake-thingy-eating session. i was saying "i wan weibuo! i wan weibuo!" lolx. ok. nonsense. the guys were trying to make yixian talk abt her secret. but nope. she didnt leak a single thing out. i tried to bluff them several times. but failed. either they're smart. or i lie terribly.):
after xiaohong/yixian left. i had a long talk with laoda.(: i love having long long talks!(: we kept asking each other qns. heex.(: its our mi mi(secret). *shhh.
photos of today.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
the past.
hand holding - you like to be in constant physical
contact with your special someone but you don't
want to take things too quickly.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
i used to be this
innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
have i changed? to this introvert compared to the past? hmm. *shrugs.
i guess most of the past few quizes i did. now would be of a diff ans le.
this is the second quiz with a diff ans.
Yellows are the most fun-loving, free-spirited,
energetic, and childlike personalities in the
aura spectrum. Yellows are wonderful,
sensitive, optimistic beings, whose life
purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun,
and to help heal the planet.
What Is Your True Aura Colour?
brought to you by Quizilla
What attracts people to you?
brought to you by Quizilla
i keep browsing thru my past enteries. hmm. n found this. hmm. *shrugs.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
certified towner!
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
ear candy ; last flight out by plus one.
they used to have this really cute singer i liked.
had class today at 8am! WHA! i met jocelyn on the way out. hmm. had a short chat. haven been chatting with her. so it was good.(:
went sch for lect. had this 1-on-1 talk with the lecturers. i have an average B for design studio C+ for interior technology B for theory of design. anyways faris thinks that i should score better for this project. try to at least get a average of B+ for all including interior technology. lolx. they kept asking me why my intech grade was so LOUSY! *dots. faris said i was one of the lucky few who had a strong conceptual design. and it was a good thing. and also a somewhat bad. ya.
after that 1-on-1 talk. we could leave le. but had to stay ard. cos i have GEMs at 1pm. yup. so loitered ard the studio till 1130am. went for lunch. with the darling. the sweetheart. suwei. eileen. had macs.(: thats my mcdonals!(: waited for the honey to arrive. sat ard. chit chatted. the sweetheart. suwei. left. cos their GEM lect was at T21. so gotta walk all the way. eileen left with them. the darling left soon after. she was going to the library. and kamini and myself had GEM lect at T3A.
so what can i say abt the GEMs class. it was kinda mostly populated with girls class. think theres only like 4 guys in the class. lolx. then when the 1st guys walked in. i was like thinking. is he in the wrong class? hmm. he himself looked stunned! lolx. and the lect was calling him MR. COOL. lolx. the lect is kinda lame. lolx. then we had to fill in this form with our numbers. class n why we took up the course. the MR. COOL stated "to meet more friends" under the why section. lolx! kamini n i were laughing most of the time. class ended at 2pm. the lecture was only for 1/2 hr.(:
called TANSEOKHUI (aka bunk. lets just call her my part time les partner. PTLP in short.) made her come out earlier to meet me. cos i needed to use her NLB card to borrow books. so i was waiting in the HOT sun for her! ahhh! stupid girl! on the bus. sharon n called me. "hello. patsy? can you pass the phone to seokhui?" i was like huh? "oie! why you call me? why cant you just call her?" "i called. she didnt pick up." was her reply. lolx. it just so happened sharon ng saw us at commonwealth mrt bus stop. she called to check where the PTLP was going with me.
i think we're such NUTS at the queenstown library. lolx. we bumped into her frens. n they were looking at us weirdly. like giving short stares. continuously. lolx. but i did manage to get 2 books for the project. all thanks to the PTLP. for her great eye sight. i totally couldnt find the books. lolx. after the library trip. we went to NTUC! had to get some things for tmr. i bought 2 boxes of biscuits! and it made my bag so full! the PTLP had to hold the library books n my water bottle. while i carried the biscuit-filled bag. hmm. took a bus down to cine. cos she tempted me with PASTA! something i've been craving for for so long. but didnt get to eat. cos nobody wans to accompany me. *booho.): but it was a great trip! i was asking her funny qns again! wahaha.(:
made a trip down the paragon TOYS'R'US!(: we're such kids!(: ok. so mayb i'm the kid. but the TOYS'R'US there is SOOO SMALL!): i dont like. i still like the one at forum!(: its little trips like this that make my life so much more meaningful.(: i love being kiddish and not having anything to worry abt.(: thats why i think my frens are a bunch of GREAT people. they can tolerate my kiddish-ness and sometimes they even join in.(:
after that. being the lazy and taitai. we took a bus down to PS. was suppose to get my guitar strings. but didnt get in the end. cos it was so ex. and i didnt wana get the whole bunch. i just needed the 1st string. (btw. thian quen quen if you're reading this. where is the string you were suppose to get for me?) hmm. i saw so many pretty guitars! but so ex. *pout. i wana get a new one. but am afraid that i might just waste the money. sigh.
shopped ard PS. went to see jigsaw puzzles. i so love the WINNE THE POOH ones. she said she's gona do one for me for christmas!(: i hope she does it.(: its always nice to have hopes. i bought one small one. its winnie the pooh too. its not for myself. am gona do it for my dearest fren.(: not mentioning names here. its gona be a surprise for her. wana know ask me. then we went to have ice cream. that girl kept making noise saying that she wans to have swensens. being the cheapo freak that i am. i persauded her not to. although i know she would pay for me. but nah. i had a bigger craving for ANDERSON's ICE CREAM!(: so i had my ice cream. and she had this funny combination. half sour. half bitter. not nice!): but she was happy eating it. *shivers. when we walked past swensens she said "oie. swensens got nobody lorx!" lolx. we went looking ard for her JJ cd. or something. n i was stuck watching the madagascar movie they were showing!(: and i saw "a walk to remember" VCD! ahhh!! i so wan. the PTLS nearly got it for me. lolx.
i feel so pampered by her. she's like my personal maid today. she helped me carry my books. bottle. stuff. n later my bag. cos my bag was way too heavy le. her maid name was supposed to be mariam. but she thought it was too common. n den it was decided that it would be marianna.(: lolx. marianna tan seok hui.
on the way. we wanted to take a cab back. but the bus arrived le. so saved that cab fare.(: saw this homosexual couple. i think they are la. and seokhui kept trying to turn back to see. lolx. it was a funny bus ride back. made her massage for me. n i realised that she sucks at massaging. lolx! but thanks anyway!(: the couple alighted at the same bus stop as us. and it was so sweet to see them hold hands.(: i think its sweet la. mayb others might think likewise. cos i can accept it. and i think they are really brave!(:
after walking me home. that girl took a cab home. cos she wanted to watch that 9pm show. lolx! shes the spendthrift k! hmm. was supposed to msg her when i got home. but i forgot. so she called. aww. so sweet right. she called. and she was like "eh! where are you?" "i'm at home ah. ohhhh! i forgot i needed to msg you! lolx. sorry sorry." and to think that i'm the senior. lolx. thats why i LOVE my juniors so much! esp the full time and part time les partners namely delia chua and tan seok hui respectively.(:
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
the long awaited meet up.
i met xuezhen tanseokhui (aka bunk) sharon today. didnt ask the rest as they were preparing for their o's. we went for a kbox session!(:
i guess its something i've been wanting. a meet up with that long lost fren. ONGXUEZHEN!
this was a very difficult shot. i used like 1 of the tibits bowl. sharon's bunk's wallets. the remote control. stacked.
this is my so called part time les partner!(: too bad my full time couldnt come. she has o's to prepare for.
the long lost fren!(:
xuezhen myself sharon. this shot was supposed to be me sharon. but didnt wana take with me. so xuezhen was inculded! *booho.
we are the drunkards! lolx. we shared 1 glass of beer. n we got SOOO high! lolx.
and i bumped into SIAOMEI at clementi macs!(: much misses for her! she was studying there with her classmates! actually i didnt see her. until sharon turned ard. n said "isnt tt siaomei?" den i looked. "i think it is." lolx. called her. but she didnt pick up. so i walked over. she was studying chem. such a hard working girl. her A's are starting next week. wish her all the best ba! anyway i've promised her that we would meet up after her A's.(: i forgot to take pic with her! cos i left my phone with bunk and sharon! argh!): anyways. all the best ba siaomei!(:
off to do my research for my project le. anyone who knows anything abt the nyonya kebaya and/or manicure and pedicure do tag/comment me k!(: thanks!(:
i guess its something i've been wanting. a meet up with that long lost fren. ONGXUEZHEN!
and i bumped into SIAOMEI at clementi macs!(: much misses for her! she was studying there with her classmates! actually i didnt see her. until sharon turned ard. n said "isnt tt siaomei?" den i looked. "i think it is." lolx. called her. but she didnt pick up. so i walked over. she was studying chem. such a hard working girl. her A's are starting next week. wish her all the best ba! anyway i've promised her that we would meet up after her A's.(: i forgot to take pic with her! cos i left my phone with bunk and sharon! argh!): anyways. all the best ba siaomei!(:
off to do my research for my project le. anyone who knows anything abt the nyonya kebaya and/or manicure and pedicure do tag/comment me k!(: thanks!(:
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