anyway i got this freaky call at 5am this morning. some malay guy called looking for his fren. and being in that half-aslp-half-awake condition. i just said "ya" to every single thing the guy said. hmm. and i only found things weird. when he started to talk in malay! AH! den i was like who is this? "isnt this XXX" the guy replied. "er. no. who are you?" "who are you?" "er. patsy. who are you? and who are you looking for?" "is your no 9xxxxxxx?" this conversation lasted abt 30s or so. den that guy went on to explain how he got my no. he mentioned something abt his fren giving it to him on a piece of paper. very long ago. he was just trying to call. and like contact his fren. and he just went on and on. i think i was being too polite to someone who called at 5am to disturb my slp! den he said "can we be frens?" "er. NO!" "can i call you again?" "NO!" "why not?" "er. just NO!" and i just kept no-ing. and i hung up. eeks! freaky.
and on my way to sch this morning. that guy mms-ed me his pics! *wide eyes! scary! i hope he doesnt call again. i'm afraid i wont know what to do. haix.): he sound like a perveted desperate
anyway sch was alright today. had this really SHORT (not to mention a waste of time) quiz in class for intech. it was an open book quiz. n everyone was asking everyone n anyone for the ans. *shakes head. and theory class was ok. watch videos, listen to music, had the seminar readings. so it was ok. with the usual bit of laughter with faris every action. lolx.(: faris asked every single one for a fav bk title. i said james and the gaint peach.(: i duno. it was the first title that came into my mind. and he asked abt what is the most expressive architectual you've seen in singapore. i wanted to say one of the cathedral. but i forgot the name. den he went on to any architectual you've seen. and i said the pyramids. dont you think that the pyramids are such a majestic sight. and the presence of it. makes you go WHOA! hmm. i like theory lessons with faris. its enjoying.(:
i got a comment today that i've grown fatter.): AHH!! bad sign!): in fact i do think i'm rounder le. haix. been eating way too much le. sigh. i've gotta lose like so much extra kgs i've gained ever since sec sch!):
i had a fight (To engage in boxing or wrestling) with xiaohong today in class. and when he told faris. faris was like go on. lolx.(: i like faris. he's fun. he's so naive.(: