schooled. no badminton. alexis was pissed. talked to weiling.(: got my plan finalised. so now doing the space planning again. shall get the model up again.
weesoon's place. did some work. and we started playing ard. lolx. we were trying to act like male models. lolx. soooo nonsense! and we even had this bed scene la. it was hilarious. we had crabs prawns veggie chix for supper.(:
i've been a naughty girl. been coming home LATE! sighs. i shall be a gd girl next week. so no movie i guess. stop asking me out people ok? heex.(:
saw leslie's shoe. its pretty.(: GLAMOUR!(: i shall get a pair and ask him to help me design.(:
i think i'm fat. look at the photos! i got chubby cheeks!):