the omg so cute girl,
originally uploaded by patsypeh.
me muffin,
originally uploaded by patsypeh.
me girl muffin 4,
originally uploaded by patsypeh.
originally uploaded by patsypeh.
the monster and her,
originally uploaded by patsypeh.
i was late today again! cos i had this dream abt the babe. dreamt that he bought a shiny RED scooter! LOLX! its like so pretty la.(:
i got up to realised that it was already 9am! bathed. and mum wanted to make bacon for me. so i waited.
lecture by LG was a bore.):
break. and we didnt go back. stayed at FC2 to talk.
back in studio. net awhile. and i tagged along with the darling, baby n muffin to the bball courts to collect money from jianzhi for namngee. so the darling n myself stayed there watching them play bball. while the baby n muffin left after first half. they were so fierce la. aiyo. like wana fight like tt. but oh wells.
saw the shoe leslie was painting. i guess its ok. i still think that the pink is too outstanding. but i still like the graphic and stuff.(:
waited for namngee sweetheart muffin before deciding if we were going anywhere. sweetheart headed home cos she's sick. we went down to toh guan cos the muffin wanted to get her mp3 fixed. headed down to bugis. cos darling was craving for mos. and they wanted to go art friend.
met up with mr soon wee soon at bugis. shopped abit. acarde-d. and i successfully pyscho-ed weesoon n muffin to buy hair dye.(:
headed down to tao hui shop at parklane. cos weesoon was meeting his frens n muffin myself tagged along. wasnt much to do anyway.
we saw this cute girl. lolx. she said that weesoon is smelly and scary! LOLX! shes so cute la. took pics with her. and she was having so much fun with weesoon's phone. lolx. shes so adorable.(:
oh. and today alex offered to send us back. sent muffin home first. and it took us 1hr from yishun back here. lolx. it was funny. and i got really stonned at abt 1250am. its outta my comfort time zone already. lolx. but i got home safely. anyway thanks again for sending me back ba.(: