originally uploaded by patsypeh.
wohoo!! i can blog! currently at the babe's place now. supposed to be doing my plans. but i got nooked up on uploading photos. and blogging! whee! went for the NDP thingy yest. the sweetheart and i got so high! lolx. we just kept singing and singing. and taking photos!(X
we were almost drooling at the uniform-ed people! she was staring at HER COMANDOS. and i just kept looking at the pretty white uniforms.(: i so like the white uniform. from our seats. we couldnt really see any faces. so we were just happy to look at uniforms. told you i had this thing for uniforms.(:
ohhh. and there were pretty fireworks! the sweetheart n i just couldnt stop taking photos. at the end of it all. we took nearly 200 photos altogether! WHOO!
i like singing NDP songs!(X
oh. btw. like the babe stated. i got some technicial problems with my comp. so i cant come online.): bohoo! till i get my wireless up and working again. i shall blog only in sch or at the babe's place ba.